Wiring led light bar requires some skills and knowledge. Read our guide to learn how to wire and LED light bar correctly to ensure reliability and safety. As long as you follow instructions and have basic tools, you can install your new LED light bar with little difficulty.
This article provides basic installation guidance to supplement the directions or schematics that came with your light bar. Before you jump into installing your new LED light bar , consider .
Agree with the soldering, wet shiny joints and not keeping the heat on too long.
The ultimate video guide on how to mount and wire an aftermarket light bar on your vehicle.
Find out how easy they are to install ! Aftermarket driving lights like spot lights and LED light bars offer the ultimate driving light solution for every vehicle. Connect the harness to the light (s). Be sure to avoid heat sources and any moving parts while running your wires.
A quick guide to installing your Illuminator Wiring Harness for Illuminator Round Driving Lights or LED Lightbars.