Tuesday, 3 February 2015

How much do you get paid apprenticeship

How much do apprentices get paid ? This information is designed for use by apprentices. The average weekly wage for an apprentice is actually around £20 dependant on the sector, region and apprenticeship level. For example, some higher apprenticeships can pay as much as £300-£5per week. Those who do get paid the minimum might be eligible to receive benefits from the .

This rate applies to apprentices under and those aged or over who are in their first year.

Most young people think apprentices get less than £2per week – so you might be surprised to learn that the weekly average is £257.

Your employer will pay you just as they would any other employee. Apprentices have the same employment rights as your other employees. Follow the process for making staff redundant if you have to make an apprentice redundant. Get legal advice if you want to end the apprenticeship early for another reason. You must pay the apprentice at least the minimum wage.

Advertise your apprenticeship - your training organisation will do this for you through the find an apprenticeship service. If you have completed the first year of your apprenticeship and you are or over, you are entitled to at least the NMW rate appropriate to your age. The NMW rates will apply to workers aged below or in their first year of an apprenticeship. You can find information on the NMW of earlier years on the GOV . More information about apprenticeships Explore jobs and job sectors to find one for you . However, the amount apprentices earn largely depends on how much the employer is willing to offer, and the amount of hours the apprentice works. Minimum wage for business admin apprentices.

You also might already know that an apprenticeship can last between one and four years. This website uses cookies to give you the best online experience. Oh, and you get paid for your troubles too.

In some job roles your wage may increase as you progress and take on more responsibility. You will also get the same benefits as an employee, . With regard to apprenticeships in Englan there is some more information about eligibility, how long they take, the qualifications you can get and the different levels of. Many employers offer support or equipment to help you do your job and there is an employer toolkit available to help employers further. As an apprentice or as an employee, you have the right to be treated fairly in all aspects of your work.

This means that as well as being paid regularly, being given holiday and not being made to work too many hours, you should not face any discrimination or danger. Your rights include adequate health and .

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